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All About Anxiety: The Full Story, And How To Help It

With the exception of major disasters, stressful events are rarely the same for every human being or for every period of our lives. Anxiety “develops” when we perceive a situation as threatening. It is often associated with situations that are difficult to handle. But how we look at things is what affects stress levels and what supplies and coping strategies we have in our potential. At best, when a stressful experience ends, the hormonal signals “shut down” the stress response and the body returns to normal levels. Unfortunately, stress does not always give up.

If we tend to embrace stress and worry about our daily lives and relationships, then this reaction never stops. Studies have shown that long-term activation of stress symptoms can have dangerous, even deadly effects on our body. When the signs of stress persist we are at risk for many health problems but which we do not realize. A large part of them is due to stress such as:

In addition, stress affects reproduction, sexual behaviour and development. It blocks the immune system, making us more vulnerable to viruses, fatigue and infections.

It causes problems in our digestive and gastrointestinal system. The evolution in modern medical coverage and treatment is the realization that stress contributes to the creation and development of many of the diseases mentioned above. Patients suffering from them are encouraged to consult a specialist, psychologist or counsellor along with their treatment to help them deal with anxiety, strong feelings of anger, depressive symptoms, the way they think and behave in relation to their illness. For all these reasons, it is important to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and find out what you can do about it. Fortunately, in recent years they have brought increased social awareness and greater understanding of the factors that reduce and relieve stress.

What is stress management?

Stress is a normal reaction that often occurs when we perceive a situation as threatening or when we face an unusually large number of daily responsibilities. With the intense demands of home and work, many people experience intense stress. The purpose of stress management is to help balance the various dimensions of our lives – work, relationships and leisure – as well as the physical, spiritual and emotional dimensions of our lives. People who manage stress effectively perceive life as a challenge rather than a series of annoyances and feel in control of their lives even in difficult times.

What can we do to reduce stress?

If we feel that we are suffering from stress we should try to identify the aspects of our lives that cause it. Sometimes we may not be able to change them or avoid them, but adjusting our lifestyle can make a difference. What can we do: 

  1. We recognize the source of stress
  2. We live a balanced life
  3. We organize and plan our time
  4. We accept support from others
  5. We develop coping skills to relieve stress
  6. We organize and simplify our lives
  7. We take care of ourselves
  8. We are taking a break
  9. We keep a diary
  10. We try supplements: cbd oil is so beneficial and is worth trying. Look at cbd oil dosage uk for more information

When should we seek help from a specialist?

1. Focus on all positive aspects of your life 

Stress can make you focus on all the negative aspects of your life, and get stuck in things that you feel have not been handled properly. This can quickly lead to a destructive mindset that exacerbates stress and other mental health disorders. In order to reduce or avoid this negative way of thinking, try to focus on the positive aspects of your life. When you start to worry about things in your life that are not going so well, give yourself some time to see what is going very well. If you feel bad about a reaction to a friend or at work, try to think about how this interaction can help you learn and have a positive effect on your future reactions.

2. Keep a diary of your stress

When you feel anxious, it can be difficult to identify what is causing your symptoms. An exercise that can help you with this is keeping a diary and recording what you are feeling. When you feel anxious, write down all the reasons you are worried or nervous and the feelings you are feeling at the moment. Sometimes, just recording your thoughts and fears can help you work to overcome your worries. You can always look at your diary when you feel stressed or discuss what you feel in your psychotherapy sessions and work on them.

3. Change your negative thinking

When you focus on positive thoughts you can overcome the worries and thoughts that make you anxious. When you are afraid of negative thoughts, then fear will overwhelm you every day. When you feel fear or anxiety, try to see things in a positive light. For example, if you are afraid of aeroplanes and feel nauseous, sweaty, and fast when you get on a plane, try to focus on the positives of the trip and everything you plan to do at your destination. Think of it as an opportunity to make this journey a positive experience.

4. Establish a routine

Routine will help you manage daily activities and minimize exposure to sudden causes of stress. Establishing a routine also helps to achieve what you want in your day, which helps reduce stress as you will not have to leave unfinished work. Adopt habits such as healthy eating and exercise to improve your physical health, which in turn improves your mental health. A daily routine helps you focus on your schedule and the positive parts of the day without worrying about what each day will bring.

5. Practice relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques can vary from person to person, as everyone relaxes with different activities. There are many techniques you can try to alleviate your anxiety. Breathing exercises can relieve tension and nervousness, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing when you feel stressed. Yoga or meditation help to relax. Music, reading and exercise are activities that help calm the mind. Try what suits you and see what works for you.

6. Practice acceptance

There will always be things in life that get out of our control, and many times these things are the ones that cause the most stress. It is a challenge to overcome the fears and worries associated with the unknown, but it is very important to understand that no matter how much time we spend concentrating on them, we will not change them. Identify some stressful situations or worries, and think about whether you can control them. If the answer is yes, acknowledge everything you need to do to reduce the anxiety and do it. If the answer is no, realize that there will always be things in your life and in the lives of others that you can not change and remind yourself that this is not a bad thing and accept it.

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