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How To Create A Warm Neutral Nordic Patio

The nordic patio has been getting some extra time in the sun, because warm neutrals have come back into style. Oatmeal, mountain greys, faded sand and cream are all shades of neutral that are being seen spread across the garden. There’s something calming about these colors that makes them so comforting and creating a patio with them in mind, is a brilliant idea. Not only does the Nordic patio fit well in a modern home, it is also easy to create for yourself. A structured simplicity is what makes this style so accessible. Here’s what you need to do.

High-quality concrete

The Nordic patio has really high-quality concrete flooring. Concrete is better than stone for a few reasons. For one, there is a lot less maintenance to be done, weeds won’t be allowed to push through the gaps because there aren’t any, and with a gloss finish it has more of a presence than stone. But where do you get high-quality concrete that is meant for patios? There are a few brands, but Concrete Newcastle has been creating concrete patios for many years. They can pour concrete in large quantities, without needing a lot of space. They can also design the exact shape of the patio you need for your specific garden. Poured concrete is thus better for a patio, because slabs force you to have a certain shape while soft concrete is able to fit into tight spaces.

A hammock hangout zone

The hammock has been rising in style again because of two things. Its simplicity and it’s customizability. You can have whatever kind of fabric you want, whatever kind of style, design and size you want. Hammocks are great for the Nordic style because they don’t add complexity to the style. When you’re done with them, just take them down, fold them up and put them away. This is great for when you need to entertain on the patio. Consider placing a few hammocks in one area, so you can build a hammock hangout zone. 

A seating area

Why do seating spots on the patio have to look and feel exactly like those indoors? While on the patio, don’t forget you’re also in the garden. A Nordic seating area is among the foliage, with a covering to protect you from the rain and some space for you to relax among some LED lights. This little wood structure that has placed between each beam, can be covered with fabric for particularly cold days. The seating can also have cushions and blankets to make it more comfortable. Place a hanging chair and a fabric coffee table for more convenience. Make sure to use greys, creams, sandy shades and generally, keep it in the warm neutral color palette.

The Nordic patio is warm, relaxing and is simple yet so comfortable. Concrete should be poured into the patio, so fit your exact shape. Place hammocks across the patio, hanging from the structure that’s close to the indoors for additional beam support. 

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