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Life After Lockdown: Make More Time for You

After spending months in lockdown, navigating the unchartered territories of homeschooling without any preparation, followed by the arrival of the summer holidays, it is safe to say that it has been a challenging time for parents.

Life as a parent is demanding at the best of times, but this year that has been intensified to a whole new level. So, at the moment it seems like the kids will be able to head back to school in September, and parents across the country will be waving them through the school gates (in a socially distanced kind of way) with a mix of emotions.

This year, more than ever before, the back to school feeling will resonate with mums far and wide. Why not ride on the kid’s coattails and grab some of that new term feeling for yourself this year? This year has been tough, so why not take the opportunity to claw back a bit of time for yourself once school restarts? Yes, schedules are hectic, but then life as a parent will always be a whirlwind, so you may as well take some time for yourself amid all the chaos. Developing a hobby of your own and spending time focused on something that you love is an excellent way to feel refreshed and recharge your batteries ready for life after lockdown. If you need some inspiration to get you started, why not give one of these activities a try?

Move Your Body

Do you dislike the gym, but want to be more active? If so, don’t give up on exercise, you just haven’t found the right one for you yet! Why not try a new activity that you have never tried before instead? Maybe you could try aqua aerobics, or even better, develop a whole new skill and learn ballet. Taking adult ballet classes is an excellent way to learn something new, and provides you with the opportunity to take dance exams. Learning ballet will also give you something to work towards and a real sense of achievement.

Get Creative

Spending time on creative activities is an excellent way to enter a state of flow and to destress your mind. If you want to relieve some stress, but want to still feel like you are productive, being creative is an ideal solution. Whether you decide to grab a sketchbook and unleash your inner artist, or dig out the needle and thread and sew something spectacular, you will find that being creative is an energising experience and the perfect antidote to life as a busy parent.

Join a Club

If you have spent the past few months longing for a conversation that doesn’t involve a little person repeatedly asking you which Power Ranger is your favourite, then the idea of joining a club and spending time with actual adults is probably appealing. Book clubs are an excellent choice if you love to read as they provide a great way to meet new people and get out of the house!

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