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Milton Antibacterial Surface Spray & Surface Wipes


Milton is a brand that is both well-known and trusted by Mums and has been for the past 70 years! When Henry was a baby I used Milton products to sterilise his bottles but I was surprised to learn that Milton do more than just products suitable for families with small babies as they also do a Milton Antibacterial Surface Spray and Antibacterial Wipes!

Busy Lifestyle

I lead an extremely busy lifestyle but these days who doesn’t? I have two dogs one of which is still a puppy and despite being relatively intelligent he still struggles with the whole ‘don’t wee in the house’ concept! Oh and I also live with two boys in the form of a husband and a five-year old both of whom enjoy mountain biking. My kitchen is often a hub of dirt and mud where they have traipsed their muddy bikes in! I need cleaning products I can rely on and ideally ones that work quickly without excessive effort I wasn’t really sure whether Milton could live up to that expectation!

Health Issues

I wrote recently about the fact I have a type of autoimmune disease along with which comes a multitude of health issues and a large portion of my medication works by suppressing my immune system. This means I am much more likely to become ill and contract anything contagious so as you can imagine it is essential that my home is clean using products that effectively eliminate germs and disinfect surfaces. Both The Milton Antibacterial Surface Spray and Antibacterial Surface Wipes kill 99.9% of germs AND the wipes are ideal for carrying in my handbag for use away from the home!

Milton Antibacterial – My Thoughts

Both the Milton Antibacterial Spray and Surface Wipes cleaned easily and effectively. There is no heavily scented smell or need to scrub for hours. Anything I used the products on smelt, looked and felt clean. I was also reassured that beyond the appearance the products killed 99.9% of germs. I love the handy size of the wipes and I could easily toss them in my handbag or conceal them in the glove box in the car so they were ready whenever I needed them.

Although not applicable to me right now, one thing I think is absolutely amazing about the Milton Antibacterial Wipes, is that they are safe to use on dummies and bottle teats! I know when Henry was little, if we were out and about and he dropped his dummy I had no way to clean it. How amazing that by carrying these wipes you can solve that problem!

The wipes are also 100% biodegradable which is very reassuring!

More From Milton

Both the Milton Antibacterial Spray and Wipes are readily available in supermarkets. One small quibble has to be that these products were often located in the baby aisle and not with the cleaning products. Now Henry is five I rarely go down the baby aisle so I wouldn’t have ever come across these products!


Milton Antibacterial Spray: Around £1.39 500ml

Milton Antibacterial Surface Wipes: Around £2.05 30 wipes


Milton Antibacterial Spray is available from most supermarkets and can also be purchased from Amazon here.

Milton Antibacterial Surface Wipes are also available from most supermarkets and can also be purchased from Amazon here.

The Milton Antibacterial Spray is extremely well priced and definitely good value for money! The wipes are a slightly higher price point than I would like for only 30 wipes. I’d love to buy a pack for the car, my bag, the bathroom and the kitchen but that would be expensive. I know with wipes you are paying for convenience but 30 wipes won’t last long in this house! That being said the wipes are really great so I would definitely purchase again.

For more information about the whole Milton range head to their website here.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you want to check out some other great reviews don’t forget to head over here. Love as always!

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*I was sent the Milton Antibacterial spray & wipes on a gifting basis in return for an honest review. As always all words, opinions and views are my own. This post may contain affiliate links for more information on any of this please head over to this page.

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