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ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag Review (AD – GIFTED)

ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag

Hugo is eight months old, and this fills me with such joy and such sadness at the same time. As he reaches each new milestone, it feels bittersweet and although I love seeing him progress and grow I miss my tiny baby too. Being a mum, the second time around has brought its challenges as Hugo is entirely different from my first son Henry. It’s taken a lot of trial and error, and there has been a fair amount of worrying along the way, but we are all settling in to being a family of four now. One of my biggest concerns was concerning sleep safety, and it’s why I was such a big fan of the ErgoPouch Cocoon Swaddle Bag. Sadly Hugo has long since grown out of his ErgoPouch Cocoon Swaddle Bag however we were kindly sent the ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag to try, and we have been putting them through their paces!

ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag

I have always been a fan of sleeping bags for babies and small children they are much safer than loose blankets, and it means there is no worry of them kicking them off and becoming cold through the night. One thing I strongly dislike about standard sleeping bags is that when your baby begins to pull themselves up and stand, they often end up pulling the sleeping bag off. My first son Henry became wise to this, and he soon learned that if he stood up his sleeping bag would come undone and I would have to go back into the room and settle him down again. That’s one thing I really love about the ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag you can quickly transform it from a standard sleeping bag into a sleepsuit with legs. It means that Hugo can pull himself up to standing and even walk around without the sleeping bag coming undone and falling off. The feet of the suit is also textured to prevent slipping.

On the Go

This feature is also perfect for use in a car seat or on the go and makes transferring a sleeping baby to their cot much simpler. We often use the ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag if we are going out somewhere in the evening and we know Hugo is likely to fall asleep as it will be around his bedtime. Just last weekend we attended a family function which was going on late into the evening. I knew that we would be travelling home when Hugo would usually be in bed, and this would mean I’d have to transfer him from the car seat and into his sleeping bag while trying not to wake him up. Instead, I put Hugo into his ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag before we set off home which meant when we arrived back all I had to do was carry him from the car seat to his bed. It was perfectly safe to put him in the car seat because the sleepsuit has legs the safety harness can fasten around him in the same way it would over his clothes.

My only grievance with the ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag is that it is harder to get on than a regular sleeping bag which means if you don’t plan ahead and you are tasked with the difficult job of putting the sleep suit on when your baby is already asleep it can be quite fiddly. This isn’t a huge issue, and it certainly wouldn’t put me off buying in the future; it’s just worth bearing in mind.

Price wise the ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag is in-line with similar items on the market, and I think the quality is really apparent. You only need one or two sleeping bags so I would definitely say they are more of an investment and the fact that they last a fair few months means that you get your money eye worth out of them.

Favourite Features

The ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag has many selling points for me, but my favourites are:

More From ErgoPouch

We have been using the 2.5 Tog in Grey Mountains which costs £52.99 and the 1.0 Tog Triangle Pops which costs £47.99. Find out more about ErgoPouch and purchase your own ErgoPouch Sleep Suit Bag on their website here.

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Love as always!



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I received these items on a gifting basis in return for an honest review because of this I have marked this post as an AD. I did not receive payment or bribe and as always all words, opinions, and views are honest and my own. For more information on any of this please head over to this page.

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