Week One of Slimming World Update

Week One of Slimming World Update

Last week I stepped on the scales and restarted my Slimming World journey. I have spent the last week finding my way with the plan and really trying to re-establish my groove. Week one of Slimming World can be really…

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2019 Weight Loss Goals – Restarting Slimming World

2019 Weight Loss Goals – Restarting Slimming World

Weight loss for me is a contentious subject. I feel as though it is a constant battle. Some people can regularly eat a large stuffed crust pizza followed by a family sized Dairy Milk washed down with a gallon of…

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Slimming World Week Two Update

Slimming World Week Two Update

Slimming World Week Two Update: How Did It Go? I have been on Slimming World for two weeks now and it is that time to share my Slimming World week two update with you all! If you missed Week ones…

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Slimming World: Going it Alone Guide & Free Printable

Slimming World: Going it Alone Guide & Free …

This post has been updated for 2023 here. Slimming World In my last post I wrote about my weight journey and announced that I was planning to start Slimming World. You can read that post here if you haven’t already.…

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