Driveway Problems That Drive You Around The Bend

House in the woods

A driveway is a trendy feature of a modern property. Anyone who has one gets to benefit from the ease of access to their home as well as permanent parking. There’s no need to involve yourself in parking wars with the neighbours when you have your own spot waiting for you at the end of every day. Oh, and let’s not forget about the value they add onto the house.

Of course, there are negatives too and if you’re looking into installing a drive, they may put you off getting one. However, where there is a will there’s a way thanks to this post. Read on to find out more about the solutions.


The first problem, as always, is the expense. To dig up the drive and fill it with tarmac costs at least a couple of grand and that’s a conservative estimate. A typical family won’t have this amount of loose change lying around the house, so they have to can the operation for another time. If you fall into this category, a quick fix is to put down pebbles and small stones rather than tarmac or flags. The finish isn’t the same yet it’s an alternative way to add a driveway to your property without breaking the bank.


Unfortunately, pebble-dashing the drive isn’t going to cut the mustard with everyone. As well as practicality, it’s essential to have a sense of style too. Otherwise, the investment won’t add as much value to your home as it could and it may not recoup any money. In this case, homeowners should look into filling the area with concrete instead. Not only is it less expensive than tarmac, but you can stencil in a pattern. That way, it doesn’t come across as basic or boring and boosts the kerb appeal of the house.


A drive should add another layer of security to the property. However, lots of them are open and anyone can walk up to the front door without a problem. Some people are even rude enough to park their car there without permission. ColourRail has your back with its range of sturdy fences and railings. Made from galvanised steel, it takes a lot of power to break through or knock them over. As well as securing the property, it also helps with the car situation according to uSwitch. Why? It’s because a driveway is less of insurance risk and reduces the cost of your policy.


Depending on the contractor and materials used, a driveway may not last forever and that’s a problem. Considering the cost of installing it in the first place, it’s going to be expensive to fill in the gaps should it crack. And, you can’t use it without repairing it first for fear of damaging your vehicle. Thankfully, an insurance policy can come in handy and it may not break the bank. In some instances, SIS says that a home policy will cover it and there is no need to take out more cover.

Hopefully, your driveway problems won’t drive you around the bend any longer.

*Contributed Post



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