What Should You Do With Toys Your Child Grows Out Of?

It can be a sad time when you discover that your children are no longer playing with their toys. During a tidy you might find them stuffed at the back of a wardrobe covered in dust. It’s a clear sign that they are growing up, particularly when they move from toys to tech and it’s impossible to ignore or avoid. You can however take solace in the fact that it’s a road all parents must face. We all find that the lists to Santa become less about fun items to play with and more about what their friends are interested in.

When this happens, you might wonder what you should do with the old toys that are no longer used. Well, there are a few possibilities here that you can consider.

Wooden blocks

Take Them To A Charity Shop

One option would be to take old toys and items that children no longer use and donate them to charity. Many families often avoid doing this, purely because they think that these children don’t want toys from five or ten years ago. However, it’s true to say that many of these children will never have had a toy in their life. They will love whatever you send them and get years of play from toys that your children have long since forgotten. You might even find that some of the toys that you have bought through the years have barely been used and this means that there’s a great opportunity to make a child very happy indeed

Keep Them In Storage

It might be worth holding onto these toys. You could, perhaps pass them onto the next generation. You might also find that some of these items hold sentimental value for you. Perhaps you remember the Birthday or Christmas they were unwrapped. Or, maybe they will hold sentimental value for your child. It’s always great to come back ten or twenty years down the line and look at these items in a new light with your now-grown child. If you do this, make sure that toys, particularly soft toys, are wrapped up well. You might also want to consider using a company like Henfield Storage to keep these items safe, out of your home. That way, they won’t clog up space.

Child playing with toys

Go On eBay

You may want to think about heading onto eBay and deciding whether there are any chances to sell some of the toys that you have for a fortune. You’ll be surprised here because some toys do stack up in value, particularly if they are now rare or no longer produced. You might have a Winnie The Pooh that talks when you give it hugs. This item is no longer made by the company and as such is very popular with collectors. It’s just one example so be sure to research a few of the toys you find hidden at the back of your child’s wardrobe.

We hope you find this advice useful when deciding what to do with your child’s old toys.

*Contributed Post


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