Simple Self-Care – Self-Care September

Simple Self-Care – Self-Care September

I found the whole idea of self-care overwhelming initially. This idea of putting myself first and looking after me was alien. I’m always running around after the other people in my life and it seemed counterproductive to stretch myself further…

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Self-Care – Why it’s Important – Self-Care September

Self-Care – Why it’s Important – Self-Care September

For the month of September here on Soph-obsessed I have been talking about self-care. It’s the new buzz word at the minute and a hot topic but why is it important to take time out for you? Self-Care As a…

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Taking Time Out to De-Stress and Recharge

Taking Time Out to De-Stress and Recharge

Taking Time Out to De-Stress Do you ever need to take a moment? Give yourself time out to de-stress and recharge. Do you ever have moments where you’ve got to get out. Out of the situation. Away from the house. Out of…

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