Ways To Workout Without Fancy Equipment

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People often inaccurately assume that in order to get fit and exercise you need to be able to navigate fancy gym equipment. There are, in fact, an abundance of exercises you can do in the gym using nothing more than a gym mat. If like me, you are balancing exercise around other commitments, childcare or work hours, then visiting the gym regularly can be a struggle. If that sounds like you, then these exercises are ideal because you can buy gym mats from UK-based websites like Eveque and continue your workout in the comfort of your own home.  

What Exercises Can You Do?

There are many different exercises you can do at home without the need for any additional equipment. Here are a few that I do that are simple and easy to get you started.  

blurred image of a woman running in green jacket


Running is a great way to get fit without the need for any additional equipment. The great thing about running is that you can fit it around your lifestyle. For example, you can run early in the morning or in the evening after work whenever it is convenient. 


If you are looking for a full core workout, then Planks are a great place to start. For this exercise, you only need a gym mat and your own body to get started. You can hold the pose for as little or as long as you need building up the length of time as you go. You can also incorporate a leg lift to make it even more intense. 


Squats are a great way to tone, and you can also burn calories by incorporating them into a HIT routine. 


I have to be honest Burpees are my arch-nemesis. Still, they are an incredible workout that you can do practically anywhere! Like with the squats you can incorporate these into a HIT routine to really burn some calories. 


Another excellent mat exercise is Yoga. Yoga is a low impact exercise that incorporates a number of different stretches and movements that help build strength and tone the body. You can start basic and work up to a more advanced level without the need for any additional equipment. 

woman doing yoga against a skyscraper back drop


Similar to Yoga, Pilates is another great way to build muscle and help strengthen the body without the need for weights or specialist gym equipment. There are loads of easy to follow tutorials on YouTube worth checking out. 


There are so many different aerobic type exercises you can do at the gym or home, and they require zero additional equipment! Like with Pilates, you can find many different workouts online that you can follow along with or you can just create your own! 


Dancing is a great way to get your body moving and burn calories while also having fun. You don’t need any specific moves or any formal training just move with the beat. 

I hope these exercises gave you some inspiration for workouts you can incorporate at home or the gym without the need for additional equipment. 


*This is a collaborative Post

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