How Not To Cook Your New Born Baby

How Not To Cook Your New Born …

Bringing Baby Home I’ve been a mother for over five years now. I still remember bringing that bundled up baby home all wrapped up like a sausage roll. I still remember having exactly no clue what I was doing and…

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2016: Time to Say Goodbye and Welcome 2017

2016: Time to Say Goodbye and Welcome 2017

Time for Reflection It’s the 31st of December 2016 and I can’t quite believe where this last year has gone. Christmas came and went in record time and although I am sad that the festive period has passed I am…

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You’re Growing Up Henry Bug But I’m Not Ready Yet

You’re Growing Up Henry Bug But …

You’re Growing Up Henry Bug Back in September, I wrote a very emotional post about not sending my child to primary school you can read this here if you haven’t already. As it happens the day after that post went…

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Worrying My Son Might End Up Gay…

Worrying My Son Might End Up Gay…

Gender-Specific Toys Despite the fact that times have evolved the amount of ‘gender-specific ‘ toys on the market is shocking. Pink toys for girls and blue for boys. I love pink it’s my favourite colour but that isn’t because I…

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Why I Might Not Have Another Child

Why I Might Not Have Another Child

When you have a child, almost from the minute they are born people ask if you are going to have anymore. It’s a question that just seems on everyone’s lips and although it’s entirely innocent it’s a difficult one for…

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