5 Ways To Cozy Up Your Home This Winter

bed with white flowers

As the nights draw in, and the temperatures drop outside, now is the time to find ways to cozy up your home over the winter period. It’s all part of getting your home winter ready, as we discussed here, as you want to enjoy your living space in this most chilly of seasons.

Here are five ways to up the coziness factor in your home.

  1. Invest in extra heating

If your home is on the chilly side, despite your usual heating appliances, then now is the time to look for something new. There are a fantastic collection of radiators (on sale at the time of writing) at https://www.tapwarehouse.com/, so consider replacing your current radiators if they are broken or malfunctioning. Alternatively, consider a wood stove, and keep the fires burning on a cold winter night, as this is a cheaper alternative to both gas and electric heating. Just don’t forget to order your wood supplies in good time.

  1. Create a cozy corner

This is your cozy spot away from the rest of the house; that place where you can hibernate when you’re in need of some peace and quiet. Find that comfortable space, organise your seating arrangement, and have blankets or a duvet cover to keep you warm as you nestle up with a good book or a magazine in your cozy corner. Add a table or standing lamp to shed some light on you, and have a small table by your side for your cups of hot chocolate and festive nibbles.

  1. Shrink your living room

Not literally, that would be impossible (unless you were in the mood for renovating). We are talking about pulling everything together so you can create a more intimate space for you and your family. Pull up your sofas and chairs near to your source of heating (not too close if you have an open fire), and bring in a small table so you and your loved ones can bond together playing board or card games. Drape blankets and fleeces over your chairs to up the coziness factor, and add extra pillows and cushions to create a more comfortable space.

  1. Create ambient light

There are all kinds of ways to add ambient light to your home. You could use a dimmer on your overhead lights, or add table and floor lights around the room. Sitting in candlelight is a nice way to amp up the coziness factor, especially any candles that have festive scents, such as the aroma of pine needles or oranges. You might also use your spare Christmas tree lights, placing them around your home for both light and decorative purposes. Just the thing when you’re cozying down for the evening when it is dark and gloomy outside.

  1. Add rugs around your home

For those areas around your home that are bare and uncarpeted, bring in extra rugs to make your living space more comfortable for your dainty feet. A new area rug in your living room, or something fluffy and warm in your kitchen and bathroom, will be a most welcome addition to cover up any cold and chilly surfaces that would otherwise disrupt the cozy feeling you are trying to create in your home. Check out the rugs available here, https://www.modern-rugs.co.uk/, as you begin your search.

So, there we have it. Five ways to cozy up your home this winter! We hope these ideas were useful to you, but let us know if you have any cozy tips of your own!

*Contributed post


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