6 Exclusive Outdoor Hobbies To Take Up This Summer

A woman on the shoulders of her friend at a concert
*Contributed post

If you feel like you have spent too much time at home over the past year, you are not alone. The travel restrictions and social distancing measures have been hard on everybody, and we all have some stored energy to use. However, summer is getting closer to our doorstep, and we can finally start thinking about some exciting activities to dedicate ourselves to once it is possible to spend more time outdoors safely. Whether you love a relaxing or exciting hobby, you will find something to suit your preferences in the list below.  


Archery is a great sport that allows you to work on your coordination, breathing technique, focus, strength, and aim. If you have a big enough garden, you won’t even need to leave your home to practice all day long! Aside from helping you release some of the energy you have been building up, archery has many benefits that will make you fall in love with this sport at first sight! Some archers even use it as a form of meditation!

Roller Skating

If you have been watching ‘80s and ‘90s movies, you might be just waiting for the perfect opportunity to go out and buy a pair of rollerskates. And that would not be a bad idea! Roller skating is an amazing form of exercise that can help you strengthen your legs, calves, and abs. Additionally, you can work on your balance and stability and, once you become more confident on your skates, you can start to freely explore the neighborhood! 

Gardening and Landscaping

There is no better way to make the most out of your garden than dedicating time to gardening and landscaping. This activity will teach you that patience and gratitude are key elements to get the rewards you want – in this case, beautiful flowers, fresh veggies, and a beautiful landscape. So, if you are looking for a relaxing way to spend the hot summer days ahead, it is time to start testing your green fingers! 

Live Steam Locomotives

If you used to love model trains as a kid, the live steam locomotives that you will find in this hobby shop are the perfect investment for your garden. Aside from providing entertainment for the whole family, these live steam locomotives allow you to add a piece of exceptional craftsmanship to your outside area.


If you have always loved to spend time outdoors and exploring the natural surroundings, hiking is the perfect hobby for you. You might not be able to take a long-haul flight and hike through exotic jungles, but you can always find a beautiful green area to explore in the surroundings of your home. Of course, it is important to understand your level of fitness before starting walking, but once you find a suitable route, you can spend magical days with your whole family!


If you love the outdoors, but camping is not your thing, you should try glamping. This new way to love nature and the outdoors is becoming increasingly popular. It allows you to enjoy a minimalist lifestyle without renouncing the comforts of your home!

*Contributed post

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