Research indicates that breast milk protects your child from any viruses and diseases. In as much as the milk is beneficial, hygiene is critical. A nursing mother will tell you how beautiful the moment is, but it can be messy.
The good news is that there are multiple ways to minimize the mess. You will find that breastfeeding is a fantastic journey, but always remember to adhere to hygiene tips. Be ready to clean any spills or leaks; if it is overwhelming, it is advisable to seek help. Learn more about simple hygiene tips.
1. Avoid Scented Soaps or Lotions on Your Nipples
Most nursing mothers think it is necessary to wash their breasts every time they need to feed their babies. What is recommended is rinsing the breast with water when showering. Avoid any scented, harsh soaps or lotions and anything with alcohol. The problem with such products is that it damages the skin and makes the nipple cracked and dry.
2. Change your Nursing Pads
It would help if you frequently changed your nursing pads; most of the time, they are soaked with excess milk or leakages. Do not have them for long since they become an easy target for bacteria and yeast growth.
3. Avoid any Tight Clothing and Bras
You need to accept the fact that your dressing needs to change when breastfeeding. It is advisable to get cotton nursing bras since they are not tight, allowing maximum airflow, and have excellent absorbency. Every nursing mother will testify that it is frustrating to have a tight and wet bra before nursing.
Ensure you get fitting bras with enough space for the nursing pad and room to absorb excess moisture. Loose and comfortable clothes will help when you need to feed your baby. Avoid any complicated zippers or buttons because of the discomfort.
4. After Exercising Rinse the Breasts
The main reason is that your child will avoid any sweaty nursing period after your workout. Take a shower to wash away all the sweat and reduce any chances of bacteria growth.
5. Daily Change of Your Nursing Bra
All nursing mothers need to change their nursing bras daily. You need to avoid having dirty clothes on and transferring germs to your baby; who would want that? Make it a habit of swapping into clean clothes often.
6. Rinse Your Breast Pump After Every Use
The breast pump has different parts that come in contact with your milk. You will have the breast shields, bottles, and valves. The breast pump should be kept clean, and the best way to achieve that is by using the right cleaning agents from experts who will guarantee safe products for your hands and appliances like Dettol.co.nz . The idea is not to rinse the pumps since it will allow germs and bacteria to grow and potentially affect your milk quality and the breast pump functionality. You will only need dish soap and water to clean your breast pump.
7. Clean Your Hands Before and After Each Feed
This is a simple tip, but very crucial. Washing your hands is a guarantee for top-notch hygiene for your child. You will need a good hand wash to sanitize and eliminate all the germs from your hands to your baby.
Another hygienic tip is ensuring that your breastfeeding room is clean and well-ventilated. Taking care of a baby is hectic and time-consuming; it becomes uneasy to have stale food around, unwashed clothes, cluttered and a dirty room. Spare some time to clean the surroundings before you start breastfeeding your baby. You need to know that the germs can make your baby sick hence the need to clean.
Nursing Mother Self-Care
Even though you are nursing, ensure that you take care of yourself. Most mothers tend to forget to take care of themselves and spend more time on their babies. It is expected since there is too much to do, like cleaning, feeding, and getting the baby to sleep. Below are some of the ways nursing mothers can achieve self-care:
1. Nutrition
This is all about the nutritious food and the myths pegged to the foods, especially for breastfeeding mothers. The bottom line is getting the right nutrients for your body.
- Eat healthy and well-balanced meals
- Take plenty of fluid to be hydrated
- Any nursing mother needs about 500 extra calories each day
- Always take your prenatal vitamins
When you do not take adequate nutrients, you will have to sacrifice more from your body to your babies. The body will take what is available for breast milk; hence, you will be exhausted and depleted. Keep eating nutritious food to be as healthy and strong as you breastfeed.
2. Weight Loss
Most mothers get concerned about their weight after delivery; you need to know that weight loss depends on your diet and body.
- Always have a healthy and well-balanced diet to lose weight gradually when breastfeeding. It is the easiest and the safest way to lose weight, and if you need to lose more weight, discuss it with your doctor.
- Focus on eating a nutritious meal to stay healthy. After talking to your doctor, you can add more exercise routines.
3. Caring for Your Breasts
There is no formula for caring for your breasts when breastfeeding, but there are a few tips to make you comfortable and avoid any breast issues. It is imperative to practice these useful tips when breastfeeding, like bathing and cleaning the breasts. You can do the cleaning using a mild soap and thoroughly rinse it off.
The next step after cleaning is to moisturize your nipples to prevent bacteria and any cracking. Do you know you can use your expressed milk? This is because it has anti-infective properties. Always wear a clean nursing bra each day and change it during the day when it is soiled or wet. Change your breast pads when full with the leaking breast milk.
Parting Shot
Do you know that a wet and damp breast pad can cause skin breakdown? A moist and warm environment can bring about yeast or bacteria growth. Always ensure you have a dry and clean breast pad. When you notice any pain or sore nipple, you will need to treat it straight away to avoid the worst from happening.