We’re Having Another Baby – Expanding By One

Twenty-Week Scan

If you follow me on social media you will likely already know that our family is expanding by one. I’m currently seventeen weeks pregnant and due another baby at the start of June. I’ve already written previously about why we might not have any more children but my husband and I just felt like we weren’t ready to give up our option of another child and although this process is scary it’s also exciting. So I guess it’s time to admit we’re having another baby!!

Getting Off the Drugs

A huge part of our decision to conceive was based around whether I could get off the cocktail of drugs I needed. I have psoriatic arthritis – a type of autoimmune disease and with that comes a world of pain and mobility issues. For a long period I was on immunosuppressant drugs, strong prescription painkillers and antidepressants. I took over twenty pills a day some days as well as weekly injections. The drugs have side effects and highly addictive properties and they are in no way safe to consume during pregnancy.

Could I Really Get Clean?

The big question was whether or not I could get clean. Honestly I was at this stage addicted to prescription painkillers but in the same breath I needed them to get through the pain. Having previously been through a drug withdrawal I knew the process was horrendous. I knew that this was a huge stumbling block preventing me from expanding my family so I had to do it. Just like that I quit the drugs cold turkey – which isn’t advised but it’s the way I’ve found most effective for me. I worked closely with my doctor and consultant at the hospital and the process of withdrawal was gruelling and long. The initial period took over a week but the full extent of the withdrawal was months. Since that day I haven’t touched a drug stronger than paracetamol and I really don’t plan to. I know the time might come when the pain is too much but I really don’t know if I have another withdrawal in me. I certainly won’t be taking anything like that during pregnancy at least.

Having another baby

Finding Out – We’re Having Another Baby

After I was drug free we began the process of trying to conceive. We weren’t obsessed or pressured with the process we knew it would happen when the time was right. That doesn’t help that feeling you get with every negative test though! When we finally got that positive test we were overwhelmed – our family is going to change. It didn’t seem real until this point.

It will have been almost seven years since I had a newborn baby when my due date rolls round. I don’t know how I’ll ever be ready or prepared! I worry a bit about the dynamic of our family changing I can’t imagine us being more than a family of three. Everything will change and that’s not a bad thing but it sure is daunting.

What’s Next?

I guess over the next few months you’ll hear more about pregnancy and our preparations for a new child. I’ll still be writing the same old stuff I’ve always written though so don’t worry about that!

I’d love any advice you have for a Mum going from one child to two so please drop me a message on social media or leave me a comment below! What’s your experience with having another baby?

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you liked this post be sure to check out this one!

Love as always!

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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