Year One Is Over For Henry Bug – Moving On

Year One Is Over For Henry Bug – Moving On

Today marks the very last day of year one for little Henry bug. It feels like only yesterday it was his final day of reception and the day before that when we weren’t even sure if he was going to Primary School. For the last two years, he has attended a wonderful school blessed with fantastic teachers that have really brought out the best of Henry’s abilities. I can’t actually believe that when he returns to school in September he is going to be seven. The last few years have flown by and it’s bittersweet seeing the wonderful person he is becoming but letting go of the little baby he used to be.

Year One

This year he has learnt to read extensively managing books and novels far beyond my capabilities at that age. He can write full sentences paragraphs and document stories that make sense in beautiful cursive writing. When I see the child that entered year one and compare it to the child that is leaving he has progressed far beyond what I ever imagined. He has been pushed, encouraged and rewarded for what he has achieved. He now understands that if you work hard you get results and he is making us proud every single day. Henry loves going to school and has settled in incredibly well far better than I ever did at his age.

I have to admit I was sad to say goodbye to his teachers the ones who have nurtured him looked after him and really brought out the best in him academically. It was harder because today didn’t just signify the end of year one for Henry it signified the end of his attendance at his current school.

Boy in year one

Moving House

In September, we are moving to a new house. We will be changing location almost an hour away and Henry will be changing schools as a result. Although his new school is fabulous it’s sad to say goodbye to the first school he ever attended.

It has all been a bit of a whirlwind planning to move. Honestly, it was always something we were working toward but an opportunity came and we had to take it with both hands. We found our new house only two weeks before baby Hugo was born and we sold our current house a week after he came home. Everybody told me I was crazy planning on moving and selling my house whilst pregnant. When we move Hugo will be almost three months and that will be a challenge in itself. In a way, I see why people thought I was mad! This whole process has been stressful, overwhelming and emotional but it’s for the better it’s for a new life a new lifestyle for my family and my children.

So, this time next year I’ll be writing all about how Henry has just finished year two and his first year in a new school. Although I am apprehensive, nervous and a little bit anxious I’m incredibly excited for what the future holds.

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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  1. Becky Willoughby (@LakesSingleMum)
    24th July 2018 / 10:13 am

    He looks so grown up! I’m sure he will flourish in his new school. Good luck with the move.

  2. Rebecca Wilson
    25th July 2018 / 11:45 am

    It’s so hard having to move, we do it every few years so I can understand. I hope it all goes well and I’m sure he will settle in quickly!

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