HOB Salons Hale, Manchester: Olaplex Treatment


Creature of Habit

My husband will tell you that I like what I like and for once he’s right. I’m not big on change. I am just one of these people who has their comfort zone when it comes to certain things. So when I was invited to HOB Salons in Manchester Hale I was a tad apprehensive to say the least!


Hair Salons

There is just this thing about hair salons. The moment you sit down in that chair you are surrendering all control to a complete stranger with scissors. That’s terrifying to someone like me but maybe I have trust issues. That aside a salon experience is often just a load of awkward small talk over the sound of hair dryers. It’s taken me years to find what I refer to as a ‘good’ salon. If I am honest it’s the only place I tend to go for any hair care needs now.

I’ve been to many hair salons that ooze nothing but extortionate pricing, substandard quality with a large order of pretentiousness on the side. I don’t have time for that. I was hoping that HOB Salons wasn’t going to be much the same!


HOB Salons Hale Manchester

HOB Salons is set in a beautiful location in Hale, Manchester. I was invited to receive a complementary hair treatment and blow dry but I had never been to the salon before.

The Salon is modern, well-kept and a lovely size! I instantly felt comfortable and there was plenty of room so you didn’t feel like you were on top of other customers or in the way of staff trying to do their jobs. There was also a lovely welcoming atmosphere which really put me at ease.


Olaplex Hair Treatment & Blow Dry

I have heard wonderful things about Olaplex hair treatments and I was very excited to give it a go. Olaplex treatments dramatically reduce breakage and rebuild the hair from the inside. My hair is damaged. I’ve tormented it with endless boxes of hair dye in the past and it hasn’t really ever recovered.

I sat down in the chair and a pretreatment was applied. After a short wait for that to work the main treatment was added. The longer the treatment can sit the better it can work so I was happy to sit all day if needed!


Olaplex treatments cost just £25.00 when added to a colour treatment or £35.00 as a stand alone treatment!

Once the treatment was finished it was time for a blow dry with HOB Salons Manager Ben. I discussed with him that my hair has no real volume which is something I would really love. It was clear that Ben was very knowledgable and alongside my blow dry he was able to offer tips for gaining more volume myself at home! My hair felt the best it’s felt to be honest and it looked brilliant!

HOB Salons

We also discussed hair extensions and the type that would work for my hair type without looking too fake or being visible! I was so impressed with HOB Salons, Ben and all of the other staff that I booked in there and then to come back to have hair extensions fitted in a few weeks time.

Wella TrendVisionAwards

I was excited to learn that recently two of the HOB Salons team got through the national finals of the Wella TrendVision Awards.

Lauren Bickerton who is the Style Director is a finalist in the Creative Vision category and Suzi Lawley who is Hob Salons Colour Director is a finalist for ColorVision. Both finalists were picked from hundreds of other entries and then had to recreate the look LIVE on stage where a panel judged their work.


I met both Lauren and Suzi who were both incredibly talented as well as the most lovely and down to earth people! They both really do deserve to be finalists!

It wasn’t just Lauren and Suzi who were friendly every member of the HOB Salons team were so welcoming I felt really relaxed and comfortable throughout my experience.


My Overall Thoughts

HOB Salons far exceeded any expectations I had and I needn’t have felt anxious or worried because the staff were so lovely from the moment I stepped through the door. There was absolutely no pretentiousness and I wasn’t made to feel inferior or judged at all during my visit. I think that the prices are fair and reflective of the market. HOB Salon also offer an extensive list of treatments and services so they can cater to all your needs.


More from HOB Salons

For more information about treatments and services offered by HOB Salons please visit their website here.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you want to check out some other great reviews don’t forget to head over here. Love as always!

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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*I received a complementary Olaplex hair treatment and blow dry from HOB Salons Hale. As always all words, opinions and views are my own. This post may contain affiliate links for more information on any of this please head over to this page.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you want to check out some other great reviews don’t forget to head over here. Love as always!    MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me  *Don’t Forget you can sign up to my newsletter quick and easily by entering your details in the sidebar.*  If you want to know more about me head over to this page. Do you like posts like this? It’s free and easy to follow me on Bloglovin. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I post beauty, life, shopping and make-up related videos. You can find all of my social media links in the side bar! Thanks so much for reading!  *I was sent both the Junior Buff & Dog Buff on a gifting basis in return for an honest review. As always all words, opinions and views are my own. This post may contain affiliate links for more information on any of this please head over to this page.


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