When Is The Right Time To Tell The Truth About Christmas

When Is The Right Time To Tell …

My children are now eleven and four, and for the past few years, there have been numerous discussions, particularly between parents at my older boy’s school, about when the right time to tell the truth about Christmas is. A few…

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Five Steps To Help Set Boundaries Over The Festive Period

Five Steps To Help Set Boundaries Over …

Personally, it’s only been the last year or two where I have really implemented boundaries in my life. Prior to this, the lines were extremely blurred. I spent my life trying to make everyone happy but only ended up making…

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Ways To Save Money & Avoid Debt At Christmas

Ways To Save Money & Avoid Debt At …

Christmas is a magical and exciting time of year for many. Still, for some people, the worry and anxiety over money comes into play. These feelings can completely overwhelm you during the holiday period and completely suck any fun out…

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Christmas: Which Kind of Christmas Decorator are You?

Christmas: Which Kind of Christmas Decorator are …

Christmas is an exciting time and I love getting the house ready and feeling festive. My husband always flirts with the idea of going away for Christmas, staying in a log cabin somewhere filled with snow, and although I have…

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As Normality Resumes I Hope These Things Remain

As Normality Resumes I Hope These Things …

Listen, like many people; I have longed for the day we can cease mask-wearing and social distancing. I want the freedom to go abroad on holiday, and I want the presence of Covid to disintegrate. In many ways, I want…

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