What Is Speed Food & Why Should I Eat It?

What Is Speed Food & Why Should I …

If you have recently joined Slimming World or you already follow the Slimming World plan, then you will no doubt be familiar with the term “Speed Food.” In this post, I’m going to break down exactly what is Speed Food…

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The Best Fruits & Vegetables For Weight Loss

The Best Fruits & Vegetables For Weight Loss

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced lifestyle and a key factor in weight loss. Replacing fatty and unhealthy foods with fruits and vegetables is an easy way to reduce calorie intake and boost the nutrients in…

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Weight Loss Goals For 2020

Weight Loss Goals For 2020

Since this post was written I have updated my weight loss goals for 2023 here.  I wrote last year about my weight loss goals for 2019. My weight has been something I have struggled with for what feels like my…

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Modius Three Month Results – (AD)

Modius Three Month Results – (AD)

So, my three-month Modius trial is over. Like most things seem to these days it has flown by so it’s time to give you my final Modius update and fill you in on my thoughts and experiences on this weight…

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Modius Headset Update – Does It Work? (AD)

Modius Headset Update – Does It Work? (AD)

I’ve been using the Modius headset for the past month, and I thought it about time to fill you in on how things are going and give you a Modius update. Recap In my last blog post, I went quite…

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