My Child’s Lost His Confidence: What Should I Do?

My Child’s Lost His Confidence: What …

I Think My Child’s Lost His Confidence It’s hard to believe that my child’s lost his confidence because he’s always been such a daredevil. He has always had little fear over anything and at times he’d have me squirming in…

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Slimming World Week Four Update: Have I Lost?

Slimming World Week Four Update: Have I …

Slimming World Week Four Update: How Did It Go? I have been on Slimming World for three weeks now and it is that time to share my Slimming World week four update with you all! If you missed my last…

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True Friends Can Be Hard to Come by

True Friends Can Be Hard to Come …

True Friends Can Be Hard to Come by and That’s the Truth I’ve always said that true friends are hard to come by. I can honestly count on my right hand my real friends. That’s not to say i don’t have…

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My Five Year Old’s Favourite Books: What Does He Love Right Now?

My Five Year Old’s Favourite Books: …

Henry’s room is filled with enough books to stock a small library. In today’s post I want to talk about my five year old’s favourite books. Why Is Reading Important? Ever since Henry was a baby we have read to him.…

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Slimming World Week Three Update: How Have I Done So Far?

Slimming World Week Three Update: How Have …

Slimming World Week Three Update: How Did It Go? I have been on Slimming World for three weeks now and it is that time to share my Slimming World week three update with you all! If you missed my last…

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