My Five Year Old’s Favourite Books: What Does He Love Right Now?

Five Year Olds Favourite Books

Henry’s room is filled with enough books to stock a small library. In today’s post I want to talk about my five year old’s favourite books.

Why Is Reading Important?

Ever since Henry was a baby we have read to him. I am a big believer that reading to children, even when they are tiny is beneficial to their development. Reading exposes them to different words and sounds which in turn will help build their own vocabulary. Reading is an essential part of day-to-day life and introducing this at a young age can help set the foundations for how important this skill is.

My Five Year Old’s Favourite Books: What Does He Love Right Now?

Although Henry has a vast range of books at his fingertips he does have a select few that would be considered his favourites.

Five Year Old's Favourite Books

Oh the Places You’ll Go

This is absolutely one of my five year old’s favourite books and if I’m honest one of mine! If you haven’t read this book it doesn’t matter how old you are, you NEED to read it. This isn’t just a child’s book this is a bible for life! I literally gift this book to anyone embarking on a new adventure or at a cross roads in their lives it is truly wonderful. It makes my five year old’s favourite books list for very different reasons though. He loves the illustrations, colourful pages and repetitive rhyme that go hand in hand with any Dr Seuss book.

You can buy this book from Amazon here.

What the Ladybird Heard

We have an array of Julie Donaldson books in our collection because she is a fabulous child author. What the Ladybird Heard is a fabulous story with pages of colourful illustration by Lydia Monks. It has a fun rhyme filled with adventure that makes the story exciting every time it is read. This has been one of Henry’s favourite books for the last three years and I can see it being a firm winner for years to come.

You can buy this book from Amazon here.

Don’t Call Me Sweet!

This is a lovely, cute book that is sure to be one of any five year old’s favourite books. It has a nice simple repetition that make it easy for little ones to join in and anticipate. The illustrations are colourful and sweet and the story itself isn’t too long which is great for a quick read or if you are trying to keep the attention of a younger child.

You can buy this book from Amazon here.

Five Year Old's Favourite Books

The Jolly Postman or Other Peoples Letters

One of the hardest parts of reading to younger children is keeping their attention. The Jolly Postman or Other Peoples Letters has you covered on that front!! It has a wonderful story featuring different letters to open along the way. Henry adores this book and I would say it’s a great book to get your little one to focus and capture their attention.

You can buy this book from Amazon here.

The Little Boy Who Lost His Name

Henry received this book for his third birthday and it has been an absolute favourite ever since. Each book is about a boy or girl who has lost their name. They embark on a wonderful adventure where they meet different characters to help discover their name. Each book is different as it is based around your child’s own name. I haven’t seen anything as wonderful and since Henry received his I have literally bought one for every child I know!! This is a very special story for any child!

You can buy this book from Lost My Name here.

These are my five year old’s favourite books but are there any others you would recommend?

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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*This post is based on my own opinions and not sponsored.

My Five Year Old's Favourite Books: What Does He Love Right Now?



  1. johnnielynn
    17th February 2017 / 10:26 am

    I love dr. Suess. I’ve read the lorax so many times it’s no longer reading but reciting. We also really like the book with no pictures. But I don’t always suggest it for bed time as it’s quite stilly and get the kiddos a bit wound up. Lol

    • sophiegw
      19th February 2017 / 8:25 pm

      I need to check that one out thank you for the suggestion!! xx

  2. Issy Fox
    17th February 2017 / 11:42 am

    I love children’s books, this made me think of some of my favorites as a child! I think I might have to get Oh the places you’ll go.

    • sophiegw
      19th February 2017 / 8:22 pm

      You really do it’s fab!!! x

  3. helenevlacho
    17th February 2017 / 8:46 pm

    Your boy is so cute! Great collection for little boys and girls.

    • sophiegw
      19th February 2017 / 8:22 pm

      Thank you so much xx

  4. Sarirah (@prettynotinc)
    19th February 2017 / 12:15 pm

    When I think about childhood I always roll back to reminiscing about the books we used to read. I love that so many of the classics are still loved by children today. The Jolly Postman was one that I always wished I’d owned and fully intend on buying a copy if I ever have kids (although, I kind of would like one now too). I also remember loving Alfie, The Tiger Who Came to Tea and We’re going on a bear hunt. Curious about Oh the Places You’ll Go now though too. 🙂

    • sophiegw
      19th February 2017 / 8:20 pm

      Oh the places you’ll go is a book everyone has to read it’s the greatest self help book I’ve ever read!! xx

  5. sophiegw
    19th February 2017 / 8:18 pm

    Isn’t it funny how a lot of the classics are still favourites of our children today? xx

    • asnippetoflife
      19th February 2017 / 8:56 pm

      I guess so yes! When I’m having children I hope my old books are still out there. xx

  6. sophiegw
    19th February 2017 / 8:23 pm

    Aw thank you so much xxx

  7. Tereza
    20th February 2017 / 9:19 am

    This is such a good post especially for someone who has got absolutely no clue about kids! I always want to buy books for my niece & nephew but I think I’ve been buying ones that are for like 15 year olds instead of 5 year olds, oops! Will get some of these for their birthdays this year x

  8. Lacee
    14th March 2017 / 2:00 pm

    Dr. Seuss is my absolute favorite I teach elementary school so it’s a big deal. 🙂

    • sophiegw
      14th March 2017 / 7:42 pm

      I love Dr Seuss such wonderful stories for all ages xx

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