Dealing with Awkward Spaces when Renovating

Grey wall with a clock and plant
*Contributed Post

It can be a nightmare to take care of awkward spaces when renovating or doing DIY. But with some creativity, you can make the most of these areas and transform something you wouldn’t usually use into something functional such as a reading nook. Intrigued? Here are some ideas.

Hire Experts for Any Fittings

First, if you plan to use awkward spaces, then consult with experts about fitting them with anything. For example, if you plan on adding closet space, it will help to have a carpenter measure up and fit shelves and rails. But of course, even your windows can be complex in shape, so services with experience fitting bespoke shutters, blinds and curtain rails are your best bet. It might cost you a little more, but it prevents costly mistakes during the project.

Display Your Favourite Artwork

Even minimalist homes have some artwork. And clever use of artwork is always recommended by any interior designer. But the problem is you can become a little addicted to art, and you always want to display it. But what if your new expressionist piece simply doesn’t work with your new industrial-style living room? Well, the answer could be right there. An awkward area, say, under the stairs, is perfect for odd bits and pieces of art, such as random pieces and photos.

Storage and Awkward Spaces when Renovating

You probably feel like you don’t have enough space for storage. While it’s often just a case of having too much stuff, you aren’t alone in this. In the UK, one survey found that half of respondents felt they don’t have enough space at home. Yet awkward spaces such as structural right angles, under the stairs and even bay window areas can be used for storage. Sharp right angles are easily converted into small closets, and the area under bay windows is great for toys.

How About a Reading Nook?

Reading nooks are a trending decor feature this year. Not only are they a great way to use up space in your home, but they are also highly functional, practical and cosy. A reading nook under the stairs, in the corner of a room or beside the window offers a small getaway within your own home. You can make it yours or decorate it for the children. With clever storage ideas and modern tech such as smart lights and Bluetooth speakers, the decor possibilities are endless.

A Dedicated Remote Workspace

More and more people are being given the option of, and indeed, taking up, working from home. For some jobs, it is necessary, such as self-employed web-based work. But it can be hard to find the right space to work. And the dining table or your bed just aren’t practical. And they are unhealthy. However, you can convert an unused awkward space in your home to a remote workstation. All you need is good cable management, Wi-Fi and adjustable chairs and desks.


Awkward spaces when renovating can be one of the hardest things to remedy. But you can use these in imaginative and functional ways with expert help. Or you can easily use these spaces for toys and clothes storage. But working from home, they make excellent remote workstations.

*Contributed Post

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