It can be a tricky one – what should you stock up on, and what should you buy as you need it?
Deciding where you spend and where you save when you have a tongue baby or a baby on the way can be tricky. New parents are often targeted for many marketing campaigns; it can be hard to choose what you buy – and where you can skip.
Here are some things that come in useful!
Disposable nappies can be used at a rapid rate in the first few weeks. Tiny babies seem to produce so much waste – and the nappies are only small.
Newborn baby tummies are tiny, and so the digestion process is pretty quick. They can go through up to 12 nappies a day for the first few days. Over time it gets less, but one thing is for sure – you’re going to need plenty.
If you have the storage, then stocking up on nappies is a great idea. Wait until the supermarket has a deal on, and buy a few sizes of nappy. Remember, not all nappies are made equal so try to have some different brands – just in case.
With nappies comes baby wipes – many, many baby wipes. Luckily you can buy these in boxes as bulk – and they will never, ever not be needed.
Some baby wipes can be irritating, and others work wonders. You might have a baby who has sensitive skin. Where possible, get some tester packets as they are small and see which ones work. Once you have found your brand – buy them in bulk.
Crib sheets
The baby crib won’t change the size so that you can stock up on cribs sheets in advance. Baby fitted sheets should be soft and breathable, and they come in a range of colours too. Once you have the crib and mattress, buy plenty of fitted sheets.
It’s not uncommon to buy the wrong size by accident or for the baby to have a poo accident, and the sheets are part of the damage. Having plenty of crib sheets will also help avoid having a wash, one-use-one routine. This is great most of the time, but it’s not the best plan if anything happens to the sheet, or you don’t have time to wash it.
Some of the essential items you can stock up on aren’t for the baby at all; they are for you. There is a big difference between buying a little extra and stockpiling – so be mindful of that as you shop. Adding an extra pack of toilet paper and paper towels to your shop will stop you from running out at an unfortunate time.
This is more important for those who are expecting a baby – it can be challenging to get to the shop if you do run out unexpectedly.
Washing Up
When you bottle-feed, there are a lot of bottles that need to be on cycle all the time. So plenty of dishwasher tablets, washing up liquid and whatever steriliser liquid your equipment requires.
It is also a good idea to grab extra sponges, cloths, bin bags, and baby stain remover if you need to soak any baby clothes.
Are you looking for ways to make your baby budget stretch further? Read this: 7 Ways To Save Money On Your Baby.