5 Ways To Improve Communication With Your Child

A stormtrooper figure teaching a lego darthvader to ride a bike

Good communication forms the foundation of a solid parent-child relationship. When children feel heard, understood, and valued their emotional and cognitive development thrives. However, finding the time and strategies to communicate with your child in today’s fast-paced world effectively can feel challenging. If you want to strengthen the bond and foster open lines of communication, here are five effective ways to improve your connection with your child.

My Journey Through Parenthood 

Communication is a vital part of my journey through parenthood. As a child, I didn’t feel the lines of communication were open between my parents and myself. My mother’s narrative was the way of the world, and her sporadic and unpredictable moods made life as a child difficult at best. I wanted a different story for my children, and although I am not the ‘perfect parent’ in all ways, I keep communication as a strong foundation. 

Henry has just finished his last year in primary school, and Hugo has just finished his first. These are huge milestones in my children’s lives that spark big emotions and complicated feelings that they need support through. Everyone’s experience is unique and different, so by opening a dialogue and always looking to improve communication it means I am better equipped to support their needs. 

How To Improve Communication With Your Child

1. Active Listening: 

Communication is always a two-way street, even with a child. To truly understand your child’s thoughts and feelings, practice active listening. Set aside distractions and give them your full attention when they want to talk. Maintain eye contact, nod, and respond with empathy. This conveys that you value their thoughts and encourages them to express themselves openly. 

As parents, we often want to rush in and ‘fix’ a situation. Although this is admirable, ensure you are actually listening to the problem first and hearing what they are saying. Avoid interpreting or reacting from a place of emotion. Sometimes children don’t want a solution; they just want to express their feelings – encourage this. 

2. Create a Judgement-Free Zone: 

Children need a safe space to share their thoughts without fear of judgment or criticism. Ensure your child knows their opinions and feelings are valid, even if they differ from yours. By creating an environment of acceptance, you encourage them to express themselves openly, building trust over time.

A child that feels judged will avoid sharing their opinion in the future. Give them a safe space to express themselves. Of course, you can converse and even share your own differing views but make sure you are coming from a place of equality rather than superiority. Open up the dialogue and explore their views and understand why they differ – in the same way you would with an adult. This doesn’t mean we don’t educate our children – especially if they express extreme views or incorrect perceptions, but it’s important we don’t meet their vulnerability with judgement or criticism. We must avoid ‘shutting them down’ and allow them to express themselves if we want to improve communication. 

3. Be Approachable:

Make yourself approachable for conversations. Encourage your child to come to you with their concerns, questions, and stories and present them with time to listen. This might involve setting aside specific times each day for “talk time,” where your child knows they can come to you without any interruptions. If they approach you at a time when you can’t give them your full attention acknowledge this and present them with a time when you can. Being approachable builds confidence in your child, making them more likely to share their experiences.

4. Use Open-Ended Questions:

Instead of asking yes-or-no questions, opt for open-ended ones. These encourage your child to elaborate and provide more information, leading to richer conversations. For instance, instead of asking, “Did you have a good day?” you could ask, “What was the best part of your day?” This invites your child to share details and engage in meaningful dialogue. This also gives them the option to express themselves without pushing them into an answer. It also shows interest and makes them feel valued.

5. Show Empathy and Validate Emotions:

Children often grapple with intense emotions that they might struggle to express. When they open up about their feelings, validate their emotions by saying things like, “I understand you’re feeling sad,” or “It sounds like you had a frustrating day.” This shows them that their feelings are recognised and respected, paving the way for better communication in the future.

Sometimes children don’t react in a way that’s appropriate for the response. By granting them a safe space to express themselves, you better set them up for the future. Don’t try to stop the emotion, even if it feels exaggerated. Allow them to work through it and then open that dialogue to go deeper towards the root. Discuss ways to calm emotions and reframe things to better support them the next time they feel that way. It’s okay to explain that a reaction wasn’t appropriate – especially if it’s something like anger, but it should be done through dialogue when appropriate and always come from a place of love rather than frustration or judgement. 

Final Thoughts

Improving communication with your child is a continuous process that requires patience, active effort, and genuine interest in their world. It’s not easy. We often aren’t equipped as parents to handle every overreaction, so be kind to yourself as you navigate this. By actively listening, creating a judgment-free zone, being approachable, using open-ended questions, and showing empathy, you can lay the groundwork for a strong and lasting parent-child relationship. Remember that effective communication benefits your child’s emotional well-being and strengthens the bond you share, setting the stage for a harmonious family dynamic.

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!



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