5 Ways to Support Your Child as They Start Primary School

5 Ways to Support Your Child as They …

Starting primary school is a significant milestone in a child’s life, and as parents, it’s natural to want to provide the best support during this exciting and sometimes overwhelming period. I went through this very journey last year with Hugo,…

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Why I Won’t Be Taking Part In Elf On The Shelf

Why I Won’t Be Taking Part …

Henry asked me for the second year in a row of we would be getting an Elf on the Shelf visitor. I smiled to myself and with great delight as I broke the news to him that no, we would…

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When Is The Right Time To Tell The Truth About Christmas

When Is The Right Time To Tell …

My children are now eleven and four, and for the past few years, there have been numerous discussions, particularly between parents at my older boy’s school, about when the right time to tell the truth about Christmas is. A few…

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Trick-or-Treating Glorified Begging or Harmless Fun

Trick-or-Treating Glorified Begging or Harmless Fun

Trick-or-treating is a controversial subject. I’m all about Halloween I absolutely love dressing up and decorating the house and sharing treats with guests. There is however a huge stigma around children and trick-or-treating so what’s my view? Is it a…

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10 Ways to Turn Your Child into a Strong Reader and Writer

10 Ways to Turn Your Child into a …

For readers, writers and book-lovers, some people’s lack of interest in literature can be perplexing. Bookworms find it hard to understand why some wouldn’t want to escape into a fantasy land where anything is possible or delve into some of…

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