Making Christmas Eve Boxes (AD)

Making Christmas Eve Boxes (AD)

I have fond memories of being a little girl and experiencing the pure magic of Christmas. Sadly, as we age and mature into adults, that magic fades somewhat. The 20-year-old version of me didn’t believe I’d ever feel that Christmas…

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The Rise of Superbugs #JoinTheFight (AD)

The Rise of Superbugs #JoinTheFight (AD)

Regular readers will know I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis, which is a type of autoimmune disease. In short, my immune system is overworking and trying to repair healthy joints in the same way it would if they were damaged. This…

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Encouraging Outdoor Play – Skin Is for Living In(AD)

Encouraging Outdoor Play – Skin Is for Living …

When I was growing up, I lived on an old disused farm, and I practically lived outside in wellies come rain or shine. I hardly ever wore a coat, and I spent more time climbing trees than I did with…

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Cosy Autumn Nights In With My Children (AD)

Cosy Autumn Nights In With My Children (…

Autumn is my favourite time of year. I like the cooler weather and the autumnal fashion. It’s a time of year that signifies woodland walks and cosy nights in on the sofa. It’s a season of change when the leaves…

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What Does Family Mean To You?

What Does Family Mean To You?

We have all heard the common phrase “Blood is thicker than water.” The idea that familial bonds are stronger than those of friendship or love. This illusion that family members are superior to those not related through genetics. In actual…

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