What To Buy A Fussy Tween – (AD)

What To Buy A Fussy Tween – (AD)

I can’t quite believe that next month my little Henry Bug turns 10! It feels like only yesterday he was starting primary school! Over the past few weeks, I have been fielding questions from people about what he might like…

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Things I Hadn’t Anticipated When The Schools Went Back

Things I Hadn’t Anticipated When The …

Over the past few weeks, children across England and Wales returned to school after a long lockdown period of homeschooling. Here are a few things that have happened since then that I didn’t anticipate – can you relate? It Wasn’t…

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Back To School Anxieties – You Are Not Alone

Back To School Anxieties – You Are Not …

I have some anxieties at the moment, mostly surrounding sending Henry back to school in September. It’s something I have battled with internally for months, and I recently spoke about it on my Instagram where I received a large outpouring…

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Coping As A Parent Throughout Lockdown & Beyond (AD)

Coping As A Parent Throughout Lockdown & Beyond (…

So far, 2020 has been quite the year – and not the year any of us originally planned. Parents up and down the country have been juggling all the balls with childcare troubles, work and home-schooling thrown into one giant…

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Schools Back In September – Be There Or Be… Fined

Schools Back In September – Be There Or …

We are just two weeks away from the end of the academic year and what a weird year it has been. Due to the current climate and the fact we are all living through a pandemic schools across England closed…

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