As we head into the colder months, many of us are finding that our skin is dryer, more flaky and harder to look after. This is completely natural and tends to come with the change in seasons, however it’s important that you switch up your skin care routine in order to take care of it. By changing your skin care routine you can give it the nourishments and vitamins that it needs in order to flourish even in the changing climate. With cold temperatures outside, dry air and heating being switched on, we tend to lack moisture leaving us with skin that flakes and peels. Here we take a look at some top tips that should help you to look after your skin in winter and keep it looking fresh and glowy.
Exfoliate often
Exfoliation is important in winter as it will get rid of any dead skin cells and dirt that has accumulated throughout the day. Without this, your skin can look textured and flaky, unable to reflect light and can give it a dull appearance. Make sure you don’t exfoliate too often as you can end up irritating your skin. You can use products that exfoliate your skin, or you can use a simple flannel and water – the choice is yours.
Moisturising is one of the most important things you need to do in order to look after your skin as it will replenish it with those nutrients and vitamins that it desperately needs. Find a moisturiser that works for you and try to use this after cleansing both in the morning and in the evening. You can also use products such as CBD cream with vitamin E which is exceptionally good for dry skin conditions such as eczema.
Take skincare supplements
If you find that your skin is still not looking its best, it can be a good idea to look into skincare supplements. These are not too expensive and can help you to replenish your skin with the vitamins that they might not be getting through your food or other means. Take a look or speak to a nutritionist or dermatologist to find out what the best ones are for you and your skin.
Eat well
The healthier you are on the inside, the healthier you are on the outside! If you eat well, this will soon be reflected in your skin. Try to pack your diet with fruit, vegetables and protein to ensure you get a wide amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. It’s also important to stay hydrated so drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin soft.
These are just a few top tips that should help you take care of your skin in winter. The colder months can wreak havoc with your skin, particularly after you’ve just enjoyed the sun kissed benefits of summer. By taking proper care of it your skin can still look healthy and moisturised. What do you think of our top tips? Let us know in the comments below.