Beeston Castle & Woodland Park – Stopping By On A Whim

Beeston Castle

By chance, we stumbled upon Beeston castle and decided to head on in and explore as a family for the first time!

Lazy Sunday’s

It’s getting to that time of year when we get a bit of sunshine, and we can spend a higher percentage of time outside without either freezing or getting soaking wet! This weekends weather was absolutely stunning, and we were kicking ourselves at 11am that we hadn’t headed off to the beach. I love a good beach day there is something so exhilarating about chips, ice cream and sea air. It is my dream to live by the coast one day its where I feel most at home. Sadly by the time we had fed the baby, got the car packed up and set off the day would have been wasted so instead we headed off to this beautifully quaint marina for lunch.

Beeston Castle

We have visited the marina in the past enjoying a homemade club sandwich and watching the canal boats sail past. By the time we had eaten, Hugo was ready for a nap, so instead of heading home, we went for an explore in the car. My husband Ollie had previously driven past Beeston Castle, and so we headed there.  We didn’t even realise that you could go inside and explore, so when we drove past we made the knee jerk decision to head inside and explore properly.

Beeston Castle

We were completely unprepared and had we known we planned to do this we would have brought the baby carrier or at the very least the pram! It didn’t matter though we were heading on an adventure and sometimes those last minute unplanned adventures are the best aren’t they?

Beeston Castle

Beeston Castle & Woodland Park

Beeston Castle is part of the English Heritage Charity and is located on Chapel Lane in Beeston, Cheshire. There is a small car park which costs £3 for the visit or is free for English Heritage Members. We Paid £22.90 for our tickets, and that would have permitted entry for two adults and up to three children, but it was cheaper than buying separate tickets for each of us. We paid for the additional Gift Aid, and without this, it would have been £20.80. That prices grants you access to the grounds and café for the full day.

Beeston Castle

Around the castle is a beautiful woodland walk which in the hot sunshine offered some nice respite. It was so lovely to hear the birds tweeting in the trees and even though it was busy there was so much space you didn’t have to worry about encroaching on each other.

Beeston Castle

We climbed up the hill to the top of the castle, which had the most spectacular views. It was a clear day so we could see really far and it was so peaceful and quiet at the top. I wish we had brought a picnic with us as it would have been a lovely place to stop and rest for a while. There were loads of people with dogs too so perhaps on a future visit we will take Stitch!

Beeston Castle

Henry absolutely adored exploring, and there was plenty of open space for him to run and jump without disrupting other people around. Once we had finished exploring, we headed to the Sandstone Café, where we sat outside enjoying a cold drink and a beautiful piece of cake!

Beeston Castle

Next Adventures

Beeston Castle has a 4,000-year history, and it was incredible to learn a bit more about such a beautiful property that is practically on our doorstep. It’s definitely a place we will want to visit again, and we were so pleased to have stumbled upon it by chance! We would also love to explore other English Heritage places as we really didn’t know so many existed across the country! For the future, we will absolutely be looking into getting an English Heritage Membership and making full use of the benefits and money saving!

Beeston Castle

As a family, we don’t take time out enough to do these kinds of things, and it was so lovely to spend time together and explore somewhere new!

Beeston Castle

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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  1. 16th May 2019 / 10:24 pm

    This looks like such a lovely day out! We very nearly went to it but couldn’t get parked and ended up at a garden centre instead! x

  2. Sharon Fraser
    14th October 2020 / 4:22 pm

    Discovered your post while searching for Beeston castle. We lived in Kelsall for a coiple of years, about 40 years ago. We could see Beeston Castle from our upstairs bedroom and it was a short drive. Our children were young and we spent many happy times exploring Beeston. They always hoped to discover the fabled treasure!

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