Summer Holidays – Balancing Psoriatic Arthritis

Well, that time is upon parents across the nation where we are challenged with the almost impossible task of entertaining our children 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Lately, my joints have been stiff and painful not to mention I have been getting over numerous infections so to say I have been dreading the holidays starting is an understatement.

I hate having to say no to my child due to my illness I feel like it robs me from enough freedom I don’t want to take away from him too. He is almost 4 years old but I couldn’t ask for a more understanding and compassionate child. He, of course, doesn’t know the ins & outs of my condition but he does understand that my joints are painful and he does offer to help as much as he can. Even though he is understanding it is still heartbreaking to see his face filled with disappointment when we can’t do something because I am having a particularly painful day.

Last month he got his first bike and he took to riding it like a duck to water. In the mornings he sits on it in the kitchen and cleans it and takes such pride in it. One thing he wants to do every day is go for a bike ride but walking any distance can cause pain in my joints however as I have been feeling marginally better I have been taking him out for short bike rides making sure I rest along the way and I treat myself to an Epsom bath in the evenings. I often park myself on a bench and watch him ride up and down the cycle path in front of me.

Believe me, I am paying for doing even the shortest of walks but the expression of happiness that overwhelms him makes it all worth it.


Spending time with one on one with Henry is really important to me. We have such a special bond and I feel like he has brought such love and light into my life. We don’t have many plans for the summer except do what we can when we can. I am trying to make sure that this illness doesn’t impact everything and although it is slowly slowly it is bringing us both much joy. Warmer days and sunshine help my emotional and mental health no end so I am looking forward to the lighter nights. As they say, the days are long but the years are short so it’s about savouring whatever we can.

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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