Henry Has Finished Year 2 – What’s Next

Enjoying the simple things

Friday signified the end of Year 2 for Henry and the subsequent end of Key Stage 1. Next year he will be going into Key Stage 2 as a Year 3 pupil. It’s hard to think back to when he was due to start school and we didn’t have anywhere for him to go. He has completed three full years at school now, and I’m not sure where that time has gone!

Boy on a scooter

The Last Year

This time last year he was celebrating a fantastic end to Year 1 and leaving the school that his journey had started in. We had just sold our house, and we were moving and planning a fresh start with a new baby in tow. It has to be said I was apprehensive about changing his school. Henry’s first school had its issues mainly stemming from the head teacher and how the school was run, but the class teachers really couldn’t be faulted, and they genuinely cared about the children they taught. Henry had progressed and grown leaps and bounds, making friends and settling well, and I was nervous about disrupting that.

Boy in front of a lake

Lucky for us there is a school close to our new house that is rated highly, and on first impressions, it seemed a good choice. You never really know what a school is like until your child attends there, but in our case, we weren’t left disappointed. Henry has spent Year 2 being taught by an incredible teacher that has really taken him under her wing. She has encouraged, pushed and brought out the best of his capabilities, and his light has really shone brightly.

Henry always makes us proud, but this year he has excelled himself no end coming home with an incredible school report an amazing SATS results. Both Ollie and I know that test results aren’t everything, but we encourage Henry to be the best he can in everything he does. He actually really loves to learn, read, and he has a natural enthusiasm for his schoolwork, which I hope will continue.

Madame Tussauds Blackpool

It’s not just academically that Henry has excelled this past year I have seen him blossom into a kind, considerate a loving friend and brother. He never leaves anyone out, and he genuinely cares how people feel.

The Year Ahead

Henry is incredibly excited about going into Year 3, and this is the first time he hasn’t had worries and anxieties about change. I honestly feel that this is mostly to do with his new school and how well he has settled there. Previously Henry wouldn’t want to take part in any after school clubs or extracurricular activities through fear of not knowing somebody or being left out, but he now has the confidence to pursue the things he wants to do making new friends and exploring new avenues along the way.

There is no doubt that the work will be harder and with age comes greater responsibility, but it seems like a challenge he is excited to pursue, and as a parent, I feel like I no longer need to worry about him although of course, I will!!

Boy posing as a superhero

Summer Adventures

The last summer holidays were frankly a bit of a washout. I’d just had Hugo, and we were anxiously awaiting to exchange contracts on our house sale continually worrying that the move wouldn’t go through and we would be left stagnant. We didn’t really do or achieve much, and it’s something I am desperate to change this time around. Hugo is now one year old, and there really is nothing standing in our way! We are planning some swimming adventures, beach days and train journeys far and wide!

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!



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