Week Four Weigh-In

Week Four Weigh-In

This week’s weigh-in post is later, and you probably assumed I was drowning in a vat of chocolate or was laid in some kind of Malteaser coma, but alas I just had laptop issues! No, I haven’t fallen off the…

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Week Three Weigh-In

Week Three Weigh-In

It’s time for my week three weigh-in and an opportunity to evaluate how this past week has gone on plan – or not as the case may be.   I’ve got to be honest and admit that I tend to…

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Getting Back Into Exercise Some Tips

Getting Back Into Exercise Some Tips

I’ve made it very clear in the past that I’m not a gym person. In fact, exercise and I aren’t the best of friends. I’d love nothing more than to be the type of person that catches the “gym bug”…

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Cheat Days – Are They OK?

Cheat Days – Are They OK?

There is a lot of controversy around the allusive term “Cheat Day.” Personally, I don’t mind the term, but I’ve seen some people get their knickers in a right twist about it! Listen, I’m from the “You Do You” camp…

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Week Two Weigh In 2020

Week Two Weigh In 2020

I’ve been on back on Slimming World for two weeks now, and it is time for my second weigh-in. Last week I discussed how I had eased back into Slimming World quite quickly with the momentum and motivation that comes…

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