Week Two Weigh In 2020

Week Two Weigh In 2020

I’ve been on back on Slimming World for two weeks now, and it is time for my second weigh-in. Last week I discussed how I had eased back into Slimming World quite quickly with the momentum and motivation that comes with the new year. Has that continued beyond the first week, though?

This Week Overview

Although this has been the second week of Slimming World, it has also been the second week back at it with work which of course brings with it some stresses. I have discussed at length how I am absolutely an emotional eater and stress seems to be a big trigger for me. The first stage of combatting this is to acknowledge that it exists and try to take active steps toward changing the behaviours around it. I am heavily trying to focus on how my mood impacts my diet because I know it is my weakness. Despite the added stresses of the week, I have had quite a good on plan week – for the most part. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I did have a takeaway on Saturday night.

Throughout the week, I am quite restrained and focus, and if I am honest, I don’t use many syns. Any diet or lifestyle change is about balance, so I don’t see the harm in indulging. I made a healthier choice and syned accordingly but could this tip the scales?

Close up of person in meditation pose

My Journey & Everyone Else

I wrote a post last week about how I had been “shamed’ for documenting my desire to lose weight. I also spoke about it over on my Instagram stories, and so many of you reached out and said that you felt the same or that you were grateful that I was sharing my journey. The thing is this is very much my journey, and I cannot nor would I recommend that everyone else should do the same. I do feel it is essential to share the truth about my weight loss as I share both the highs and the lows with everything else.

What Have I Eaten This Week?

The best place to stay up to date with my food choices is Instagram or Facebook. I often share images and information about what I am eating throughout the day on my stories. This week I have been eating Overnight Oats for breakfast made with fat-free yoghurt, frozen strawberries and 40g of oats (HEX B.) I’m quite boring because I tend to have the same thing every day until I get bored then I switch it up. For lunch, I have been having a big bowl of speed salad with either sliced ham, roasted chicken or tuna. I like to get a significant fill of speed food through the day because it makes me feel quite satisfied whereas if I have something else, it can feel less substantial. Dinners have been a mixed bag, but I have really enjoyed lentil cottage pie which feels like a treat because of the mash but is full of other yummy speed foods.


I’ve written about the indisputable fact that you can lose weight on Slimming World without the need for exercise. Exercise is definitely not my best friend, and I am a million miles away from being someone that enjoys even stepping into a gym to use the toilet!! As part of my weight goals for 2020, I want to be fitter and healthier as well as just weighing less. I want to be the mum that can play non stop in the summer and chase her boys around the garden without getting out of breath! I have been doing four exercise classes per week from home, and I have continued that this week. One thing I will admit is I do not hate it. It’s hard work, but I’m hoping to see some results from it soon!

Week Two Weigh In

This week I lost 3lb! I’m pleased with that result and motivated for another good week of food optimising.

How did you do this week?

More Posts You May Be Interested In:

Slimming World Going It Alone & Free Printable

My Weight Journey

What Is Speed Food?

List of Speed Foods

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Weight Loss Goals For 2020

Slimming World Meatballs & Pasta Ready Meal Review

Eight Week Weight Loss Challenge

Weight Loss Headset Review

Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World Without Exercise?

Week One Weigh In 2020

Week Two Weigh In 2020

Cheat Days – Are They OK?

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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As always words, views and opinions are honest and my own. Links marked with “*” are affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional but it may mean I earn a small percentage from any sales. For more information about any of this please head over to this page.



  1. K7renL
    23rd January 2020 / 11:33 am

    Another 3lbs! That’s brilliant love. Well done. You are smashing it.

  2. Xanthe Livings
    6th April 2021 / 3:30 pm

    Hi Sophie, I am Xanthe, 73 years old have OA in the lumber, both hips and one knee. I am desperate to lose weight to try and lower the inflammation in my body leave alone relieving my joints. I haven’t lost weight on Slimming World, but my sister lost 3st and my friend 6st, and this is what has led me to your web page. I li ve in Spain so no classes for me. I hope you don’t mind me writing to you, your story is moving and makes one realize about how others struggle.
    Kind regards

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