Week One Weigh In 2020

Week One Weigh In 2020

Last week I shared with you that I was going to be concentrating on achieving my weight loss goals in 2020. It’s been a week since I made that commitment and it’s now time for my first weigh-in results.

In the past, I have spoken a lot about my weight journey and the different ways I have attempted or successfully lost weight. When it comes to losing weight, you name it I have tried it from meal replacement shakes, starvation diets to complete fads and all that’s in between. A few years ago, I lost a huge chunk of weight, and this was through following the Slimming World plan. I struggle with diets that are restrictive or plans that omit foods altogether. If you tell me I can’t have something I instantly want it! That’s why I got on well with Slimming World because nothing is truly off-limits.

baby asleep in a Sleepyhead Deluxe+

Since having Hugo in 2018, I have piled on the weight that I have struggled to lose. I have had a few false starts back on Slimming World, but I am hoping that this time I will be able to reach my goals.

This Week

This week has been a positive trip back on plan helped mainly by the influx of motivation starting a new year brings. I often admit that weight loss is hugely down to mentality, and if you aren’t in the correct headspace, it is much harder. This positive attitude has really helped, and I have really upped my Speed Food intake, which I find really boosts my weight loss. I’ve also started a training plan which is very unlike me because exercise is not really my friend! The great thing about Slimming World is that you don’t need to exercise to see the benefits of the plan on the scales, but I would really like to feel fitter and healthier too. I’ve been exercising four times a week and each class ups the intensity. I have to admit that when I took that first class I didn’t make it until the end and I wouldn’t be lying if I told you at one point I practically sobbed on the mat. I wasn’t sure I would return, but I have since completed several more classes that I have not only finished but absolutely smashed. I can feel the difference already and dare I say it I am actually enjoying it!

I took to the scales to have my first weekly weigh-in, and I had a grand total loss of 6lbs! Not bad for the first week although I know that the amounts will deteriorate each week as my body falls into that natural pace I am thrilled to be making a dent in my goal. Next week I would like to see another loss of course, but I think realistically it will be closer to the 2-3lb mark which I will still be overjoyed with! Find out how week two went here.

Are you starting a weight loss journey? How have you got on so far?

If you want to see what I get up to in the week, including what I am eating while on plan, then my Instagram is a great place to follow. Check my stories for the most recent updates!

More Posts You May Be Interested In:

Slimming World Going It Alone & Free Printable

My Weight Journey

What Is Speed Food?

List of Speed Foods

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Weight Loss Goals For 2020

Slimming World Meatballs & Pasta Ready Meal Review

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Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World Without Exercise?

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

Profile soph-obsessedMore From Me

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As always words, views and opinions are honest and my own. Links marked with “*” are affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional but it may mean I earn a small percentage from any sales. For more information about any of this please head over to this page.



  1. K7renL
    16th January 2020 / 4:44 pm

    Killing it lovely. That’s amazing! Well done.

    • sophiegw
      17th January 2020 / 3:08 pm

      Thanks gorgeous!!

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