Week One Weigh In 2020

Week One Weigh In 2020

Last week I shared with you that I was going to be concentrating on achieving my weight loss goals in 2020. It’s been a week since I made that commitment and it’s now time for my first weigh-in results. In…

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Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

In all the years I’ve been writing this blog I’ve never once shied away from honesty when it comes to my weight journey. I feel it a huge injustice to share only the positive, happy aspects of my life as…

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Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World Without Exercise?

Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World …

When it comes to weight loss, the formula is easy – “Eat Less and Move More.” The thing is as simple as that concept sounds the reality doesn’t work out to be quite so straightforward. Weight loss for many is…

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What Is Speed Food & Why Should I Eat It?

What Is Speed Food & Why Should I …

If you have recently joined Slimming World or you already follow the Slimming World plan, then you will no doubt be familiar with the term “Speed Food.” In this post, I’m going to break down exactly what is Speed Food…

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The Best Fruits & Vegetables For Weight Loss

The Best Fruits & Vegetables For Weight Loss

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced lifestyle and a key factor in weight loss. Replacing fatty and unhealthy foods with fruits and vegetables is an easy way to reduce calorie intake and boost the nutrients in…

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