Week Seven Weigh-In 2020

Week Seven Weigh-In 2020

I have now been back on Slimming World for seven weeks. During that time, there have been ups and downs, but I have so far lost over a stone, and honestly, I am feeling good for it. I still have…

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Week Six Weigh-In 2020

Week Six Weigh-In 2020

I’m finally catching up with my posting schedule, so it’s time for this week’s Slimming World update. This is my latest update, and then I’ll be back on schedule to post next weeks update as usual when that happens! If…

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Week Five Weigh-In 2020

Week Five Weigh-In 2020

I need to start this blog post by saying this update is really, really late and I apologise profusely. I know that a few of you have messaged asking if I’m still currently on plan – which I am, but…

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Going Back To Group – My Slimming World Journey

Going Back To Group – My Slimming World …

At the start of the year, I shared with you my weight goals for 2020. I went deep and bared all (thankfully not literally) about my struggles and journey over the past couple of years. Weight is a contentious subject…

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Slimming World Group – Why It’s Not For Me

Slimming World Group – Why It’s Not …

I’ve made no secret of the fact I am not a massive fan of attending Slimming World groups. I like the principle of the plan, and I can see how the meetings can really help some people, but I struggle…

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