Reclaiming Our Bedroom Now Hugo Is Older

Toddler on a bed
*We were kindly gifted the Monroe bedding set from Caprice Home

A few weeks ago Hugo moved into his own room. I know for many people, this seemed like a late transition, but it’s what worked for us. Since then he has been sleeping like a complete dream (excuse the pun.) He gets into bed and settles himself without resistance or tears. This was a huge relief. At four months old, I was certain that this little whirlwind would never sleep through the night, let alone in his own room! Since then, I have been reclaiming our bedroom and making it our own space.

Moving house

As many of you know a year last October we moved out of Manchester and into the Cheshire countryside. This was a huge transition for us as we adore Manchester, but with an expanding family, it was time to step away from the city. By the time that we had moved Hugo was already four months old and of course sleeping in our room. I was breastfeeding, so it made sense to keep him in our room, so he was close. He was struggling with silent reflux and suspected CMPA, so sleepless nights were a given. We have lived in this house for 17 months but always shared our bedroom with Hugo, so it’s never really felt like our own space. It’s time for that to change.

Toddler on a bed

Our New Room

Our old house in Manchester was small. Our bedroom was cramped, and once the bed was inside, there was no room for additional furniture. When we made the decision to move one of the significant factors I wanted was a bedroom that I could make our own. Since we moved Hugo into his own room, everything has felt a little bare, so it was vital for me to start making changes to capture that room I have always wanted.

We have a long way to go, and I’m hoping in the next few months we can get the dressing table I have been lusting after and a new bed, but for now, I feel like everything is finally coming together.

Grey background with a green succulent in a grey pot

We have given the walls a coat of paint, but we have decided to keep then white and neutral. I always thought I would hate white walls, especially with two kids and two dogs! When we moved into this house, all of the walls were white, and we were strictly instructed not to paint for a year due to the plaster drying out. During that time, I have grown to love it, and the bright open feel it gives each room is so refreshing. We have repainted a few rooms now but kept them white just upgrading the quality of paint used, and I couldn’t be happier! A neutral wall means that I can change accessories and colour schemes as much as I want without restriction, which is a big bonus too!

Bedding with sequins

Out of everything we have done so far, I was most excited to dress my bed in some fancy grown-up bedding. It has been years since we treated ourselves to new bedding we were always waiting until we moved or until we decorated – there was always an excuse. Hugo being a fulltime resident didn’t help either it seemed silly to treat ourselves when our room wasn’t really our own, and we couldn’t enjoy it as he was always asleep in there!!

Sequin bedding

Toddler on a bed

As soon as I saw the Caprice Home range, I knew it was for me. I fell in love with the Monroe set almost immediately. It suits my personality exactly. I love a bit of sparkle, but my husband can sometimes take a bit of persuading. Initially, he wasn’t sure when I described it but once opened, and on the actual bed, it was hard not to be swayed. The pale silver, matt sateen fabric both looks and feels so luxurious and the band of sequins just makes my heart sing!!

Sequin ppillowcase

I also bought a houseplant which is surprising for me but it’s relatively low maintenance and doesn’t mind low light or if you forget to water it! The main reason I purchased was that it is supposed to help purify the air, which can help banish those groggy mornings and who doesn’t need help with that!!

Bedside plant

Finally, for the past 17 months, we haven’t been able to have a lamp in our room because when we came to bed, Hugo was already asleep. I love the low dim light of a lamp when you come to bed it adds a sense of comfort and a homely feel. A lamp was one of the first things I went out and purchased, and I love it! This one is from Next, and I am obsessed with that iridescent shine!

Bedside table with a lamp close up of bedside table

Making these few changes has really made a difference in making me feel like I have my own space again. It’s hard when you have a baby and you become an extension of them. You are their source of food, comfort and entertainment and life revolved around them. As they get older you get to reclaim some of that time and attention back and it’s incredibly important that you do for your own self-care.

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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*We were kindly gifted the Monroe bedding set from Caprice Home

1 Comment

  1. Sally
    29th March 2020 / 1:52 pm

    It’s lovely that you’ve done this now Hugo is in his own room. Great to have something just for you. I was so glad just to be able to climb out of my side of the bed – we had a bedside cot!

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