Weight Loss Update Summer 2023

Yellow background with a measuring tape

I am long overdue a weight loss update on this blog! At the beginning of Summer, I set some weight loss goals for 2023, and I was updating my progress here. The last few weeks have seen a radio silence on my journey, but why? I’ve got all the information below!

Weight Loss Goals 2023

I decided to set myself some weight loss goals at the start of summer. I had an impending holiday on the horizon, and I wanted to look and feel better in my skin. The past few years have seen me use food as a comfort and stress reliever. The last two years specifically have been some of the worst I have encountered, and as a result, I used food largely to support myself through that period. I know to some people, that will sound weird and unrelated, but food issues for me stem heavily from a place of emotion. I eat to celebrate, commiserate and just generally feel better. I’m not too hard on myself, though, because when I went through the darkest of phases – if it was eating that got me through, I’m actually just grateful I got through it.

Let’s be honest, though: I can’t blame stress for all of the overeating in my life. The truth is I just love food. It’s very social-based for me and something I enjoy. I’ve had years of overindulgence, and that ultimately is where the issue lies. 

Weight Loss This Time Around

In the past, I have used many different weight loss plans, fads and diet solutions. I have had great success with Slimming World but found as a long-term solution, it didn’t fit into my lifestyle all that well. This time around, I opted for calorie counting. I have done this vaguely in the past, and by that, I mean I tried it for a day with little enthusiasm, and as a result, I didn’t get very far!

This time, things were different, though. I was really motivated to lose weight, and I felt committed and prepared. Things started off really well, and if I’m honest, right now, out of all the weight loss plans I have ever followed, I would recommend calorie counting to anyone. Although it is much deeper than the surface level, if you really want to see results in the long term, it’s so simple and easy to follow once you know your maintenance calories. 

In a month, I lost over a stone in weight, which felt and looked pretty incredible. It was motivating and rewarding, and I was really pleased. To have lost so much weight with little effort felt amazing.

Where Things Went Wrong

So, I haven’t updated the blog for the past few weeks, and I apologise for that straight off the bat. I have to be really honest and say that life here has been really hectic. My youngest, Hugo, finished his first year of primary school, and my eldest, Henry, finished his last year. We had parties, events, and lots of activities and meetings to attend. My schedule was crammed and packed with stuff that had to take my priority. As a result, I wasn’t able to keep on top of my posts as much as I would have liked. 

On top of that, at the beginning of August, we had an all-inclusive holiday in Kefalonia. I always planned on taking time off from calorie counting whilst I was away, so I didn’t slip off any wagon or anything like that! I also anticipated that as a result of an all-inclusive overindulgence, I would gain some of the weight that I had lost. That was kind of the point of losing the weight before I went. 

Surprisingly, I didn’t gain when we returned, but I also didn’t get back on my calorie-controlled plan either! The summer holidays, combined with lots of social events, made returning to my committed place difficult. Every time I’ve gone to restart, something has completely thrown things, and I have really wavered in willpower. 

Lots of meals out, fast food, snacks, baking and way too many treats will obviously have an impact in the long term. Luckily, I haven’t undone all of my hard work, and I have only gained back 3 lbs. I’m not disappointed, and I don’t regret it. I think weight loss and food are very much a personal journey. Where I am in my journey right now means that, yes, I have had a few weeks of overindulgence, BUT I also made some amazing memories with my children, husband and friends. I had fun, and I enjoyed myself, and I know that with a willpower reset, I can get right back on track to lose weight and hit my goal. 

The Plan Going Forward

I’m back on my calorie-counting journey – eating 300-500 calories below my maintenance calories each day. I also plan on walking a minimum of 10,000 steps throughout the day with the aim of at least three walks a week that increase my heart rate! Lots of people ask me about eating calories burnt from exercise – I don’t, but you should certainly do your own research if that is something you want to look into. On top of all of this, I plan to stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day, restart my vitamins, read at least a few pages of a book and do 15 minutes on my Duolingo app! 

My Goal Recap & Body Images

My starting weight at the end of June 2023 was 93.1kg (205.25lbs / 14 stone 9lb)

Target Weight: 68kg (149.91lb / 10 stone 9lb)

Last Weigh In: 86kg (189.6lb / 13 stone 7lb)

Below are my current body images as of the 30th of August, 2023. They are not glamorous or put together – a lot like this blog. These are raw images of how I look – no filters, no great angles and no BS. I’m also not wearing any makeup, and I’ve literally not since woken up. I feel like I’m having photos taken after an arrest. I should be holding some kind of placard saying, “Overindulgence Should Be A Crime.” Yet despite my personal hang-ups with these images, it’s something you all often ask me to share, and so here it is. I aim to update these photos week by week so you can (fingers crossed) see the positive changes to my body that the change in my lifestyle has made. 

Today’s weight: 87.3kg (192.46lb / 13 stone 10lb)

I’ll be updating the blog with my wins and woes each week! Wish me luck!!

If you want further support and company on your weight loss journey, join my free Facebook Group here. If you have found this website and articles useful and you’d like to know how you can say thank you, then I am always appreciative to receive a virtual coffee here. 


Is Slimming World Toxic?
The Best Fruits & Vegetables For Weight Loss
Ways To Reduce Salt Intake

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!


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