Going Back To Group – My Slimming World Journey

Going Back To Group – My Slimming World Journey

At the start of the year, I shared with you my weight goals for 2020. I went deep and bared all (thankfully not literally) about my struggles and journey over the past couple of years. Weight is a contentious subject for me and something that I feel in some ways dominates my current state of mind. I’m not happy, and I want to change things. Since making that statement, I have been following the Slimming World plan from home with some great success; however, I have decided to change things.

Why Slimming World

A few years ago, I started to follow the Slimming World plan, and I lost over four stone. I looked and felt incredible and both my physical and mental health improved. Since then, I have slipped off the wagon after having Hugo, and it’s time to get back to where I know I am my best.

I have tried every diet and fad known to man with little to no long-term success. Slimming World works with my lifestyle and doesn’t feel restrictive. I don’t want to be on a ”diet” or feel miserable because that only leads to unhealthy eating habits and takes me one step further from my goal. I know I can shed this weight without compromising my happiness in the process.

bowl of salad on a white background

Slimming World Group

I chose to follow the Slimming World plan from home for several different reasons, but I really felt that the group environment wasn’t for me. Many of you have often messaged me in the past, saying you feel the same. I’ve had a bad few experiences at groups that have felt cliquey or simply ones that are run poorly by their consultant. If I’m entirely honest, the last experience I had attending my local Slimming World group put me off for life!

I’m proof that you don’t NEED to attend a group to lose weight, and I have lost a considerable amount of weight without the support of a consultant or group environment. That being said, many people put their weight loss success solely on attending group, so it’s always something I encourage people to at least try.

Ever wondered: Why am I not losing weight on Slimming World? 

Why Re-join Group Now?

Since the beginning of the year, I have had good success and weight loss following the Slimming World plan at home again. So why change things? I have decided to re-join Slimming World and attend group sessions again for many reasons.

The main reason is that I was speaking to a friend who lives locally to where we have moved. She asked why I don’t attend group, and I was honest and open about my previous experiences. She recommended a group in the next town over from us that was renowned for being welcoming. It’s run by an incredible consultant who is a walking advert for Slimming World having lost 10 stone following the plan!! I still wasn’t sure but hearing my friend wax lyrical about how supportive the group sessions are I was too intrigued not to give it a go.

I’m currently at a point where I am desperate to be successful in my weight loss. I want to reach my goals and targets, and I don’t want to be sat here next year feeling like everything revolves around my weight again. Getting healthy is vital for both myself and my children, and because of that, I feel motivated to do whatever it takes. I decided to pop along to this group to scope out exactly what I thought. Worst case I go to a few sessions and drop out continuing at home BUT perhaps I’ll grow to love it and become an advocate for finding the perfect group!!

How it Went?

I have been to a few group sessions now, and it really is a fantastic community of people. Everyone there has the same goals and motivation, and it’s so inspiring to see target members and witness weight losses from others each week. Weight loss can be lonely, and with loneliness, I often struggle to stick to the plan. I feel supported and motivated, which is something I am willing to take bags of right now if it helps get me closer to my goal!

I’ll be updating you on my weight losses in the same way I have been for the past few weeks. Hopefully, the group will continue to have a positive impact on my weight going forward!

colourded tomatoes on a wooden bacground

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Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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